Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Mendut Temple

Mendut temple is located 3 km to the east of Borobudur, a Buddhist temple built in 824 by King Christian Sense of dynastic Syailendra. Mendut in the temple, there are three (3) high statue.

1. Cakyamuni are seated position of the segment is same with the dharma wheel play.
2. Awalokiteswara as Bodhi Animal help mankind
Awalokiteswara amitabha statue is located at the top of the mahkotanya, Vajrapani. He currently holds a red lotus flowers placed in the hands of.
3. Maitreya as a human shield in the future

There are stories for children on its walls. This temple is often used to celebrate the ceremony on May Waisak every full moon night and visited the pilgrims from Indonesia and foreign countries.

This temple is older than Borobudur Temple. Architecture and has a square entrance at the top on. Ceiling also square and stratified, there is a stupa on the top.

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