Baron coastal beaches, located 65 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta (Wonosari through the city) is often used by teenagers to berlintas nature and camping. . Baron is a bay beach diapit by a wall of green hills filled by coconut trees. Not far from this place, there is a fish market that sells fresh fish cuisine of different types of cuisine. Baron trips to the beach can stay over to the beach; Kukup, Baron and the beach is a beach Kukup chain. Baron distance of the beach and coastal Kukup kuranglebih 1 kilometer.
Kukup beach, which is located not far from the beach Baron, has a natural beach and the mountains that are very elegant. The white sand beach buff also has the cave - the cave coral shade, ornamental fish and bait airlautyang very very glamor, wisawatan can naikke hill coral beach dioinggir between Baron and Kukup, through the paths.
Krakal BEACH

Beach Krakal can be achieved through the road along the 6 km from the beach area Kukup, Krakal trip to the beach is also across the hill - limestone hill, with a terrace-diselingi terrace reef. This is one of the Karst region of the managed population. Based on geological research, at the time of the back of this area is the basis of the sea by the adoption process that occurred in the earth crust, the sea bottom is the old escalate and eventually emerged as a high yangberupa rock - rock.
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