Kalasan TEMPLE, located 50 meters south of Yogyakarta Road - Solo, precisely in Kalibening, Tirtomartani Village, Kalasan Sub-district, Sleman DIY.

Body-shaped temple square with some of that stick out in the middle sides. In the southeast there is a room that can be entered through the east side of the room. In the throne room is decorated pattern backed lion standing on the back of an animal elephant. On the outside body of the temple there is a niche decorated figures of deities in the standing position by holding lotus flower.
At each entrance, from the north and south, there are decoration days. At the crest there is a bud-bud decoration of flowers, leaves and creepers. Part of the decorated tree gods and painting the clouds with the plays that are coming sounds including bearer drums, fiddle, shellfish and camara. The roof of the temple there is a cube that is considered as the summit of Mount Semeru, there are several around the stupa.
Boundary between body and roof of the temple decoration found interest creature heaven which is a dwarf called gana. The roof of the temple this octagon-shaped and consist of two levels. On each side in the first level there is a statue of Buddha that depict the human Buddha and the level of two Yani depict Buddha. For example Yani Ratnasembawa the Buddha in the south. Bagiana likely peak form stupa, but not successfully reconstructed again because many stones have been lost.

Around the temple there is a high stupa with more than 4.60 and a total of 52 units. Stupa-stupa can not be rebuilt because of the many missing stones. Features of this temple is on the surface of the stone there is a layer called the Brajalepha.
Kalasan temple is the oldest relics of the Buddha in the areas of Yogyakarta and Central Java as offerings to the goddess Tara. Construction of the temple can be known from the inscription temple Saka 700 years or 778 CE article Penagari and article Sanskrit, which states that the establishment of this temple from the proposed teachers of the King and then successfully coax King Tejahpurna Parapkarana (Kariyana Panangkara), Mustika Family Syailendra (Syailendra Wangsatikala) , To construct a building for the holy dewatara and a monastery for the pendheta. Then the king presented the Village Kalasan to the monastery and 778 years old is considered as a Christian years of making Kalasan temple.
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