Since the first time in the year 1914, and until the restoration is done around the year 1983 - 1986, the temple Rat administratively located in the hamlet Dinuk, Temon Village, Kecamatan Trowulan, Mojokerto regency, East Java, has invited the attention of many experts on ancient history and archeology to determine the meaning and function of the building, both in terms of architectural and religious aspect of the review.
Perhaps, given the name Tikus Temple because when demolition is done in the year 1914, by the Regent of Mojokerto RAA Kromojoyo Adinegoro, around the temple that had become a breeding mice, rats and pests attacking this village around, chasing after the mouse is always flock into the mound of land, which found after demolished a building material made of red brick floor and four-square with the size of 29.5 mx 28.25 m.
Excerpt from the book-length Drs I.G. L Arnawa good, certainly not known when the temple was established Rat because there are no sources about the history of this temple. In the book written by Nagarakertagama Prapanca in the year 1365 M (which has been recognized by experts as a source of history quite full load of Majapahit kingdom, especially during the king's government Hayam Wuruk), is not mentioned about the existence of this temple.
However, this does not mean that a series of research intended to find and determine whe
n the temple built this Rat away manjadi can not be implemented. At the least, based on the architectural study, the difference in the description of the use of raw materials for the temple, which is brick red.
Differences in the use of red brick (both differences in quality and quantity), provide indications about the stages of development Rat temple. From the results of that research has been done by the archeologists, proved that the red-brick sized larger than the older age with a red brick-sized smaller. Thus, it can be said that during the period stood up and functioning, the temple Rat had experienced two stages of development. The first phase of development is done using a brick-sized larger as the raw materials, while the second phase of development is done using the red-brick sized smaller.
As with the opinion that dikemukankan by NJ Krom through the book "magical" it is entitled Inleiding tot de Hindoe Javaansche Kunst II (Introduction to Art Hindu Java). By considering the material and style of art from the water channel, the specialist art history of ancient Javanese Dutch assume that there are two stages of development Rat temple.
The first stage, the water channel made of red brick and shows the shape of a rigid. Meanwhile, the second phase of the water channel made of stone and andesit shows the shape of a more dynamic and created the golden period of Majapahit. This means that according to Krom, Rat temple has stood before the Majapahit kingdom reached the peak keemasannya, namely on the government Hayam Wuruk (1350 - 1380).
Meanwhile, when the restoration is done in the year 1984/1985, successfully disingkap southeast side of the temple buildings Rat. Foot building, located at the side, the size difference showed the red brick used as raw materials. This would strengthen the allegations about the two-stage development of the temple. Foot building the first phase of the shape of a red brick large, visible closed by the foot of the second phase of building from composed of red brick sized smaller. When a certain stage of development first and the second is done, clearly not correct.
The existence of the household decreased in the north, giving the impression that the building of this temple Rat made it under the soil surface. Appliances declined to the north, the well is an indication that the building has a direction to the north side. Two pools of four square sized 3.5 x 2 m with a depth of 1.5 m, flank the stairs entrance. Each pond is equipped with three tap water in the form of interest Padma (lotus) and made of stone materials andesit.
In the south terrace terbawah there is a building berdenah square with the size of 7.65 mx 7.65 m. The building is considered as the main building of the temple Rat equipped with 17 water spray fruit in the form of interest and Padma makara. In building the parent, there is a tower surrounded by 8 towers sized fruit is smaller.
Ordering tower that has attracted a Dutch named AJ Bernet Kempers it to the conception of religion. In a book titled Ancient Indonesian Art, which he has rendered in the period reveal the influence of the Hindu religion - Buddhism in India through the study of temples, which said that the temple is a replica of the Rat westhampton mountains.
Is a mountain that is sacred mountains regarded as a center of the universe has a foundation of trust that is kosmogoni there will be a harmony between the world (mikrokosmos) and the universe (makrokosmos). According to the Hindu conception, the universe consists of a continent called Jambudwipa center surrounded by seven seas and seven mainland and all are limited by a high mountain. It may be a temple Rat petirtaan purified by the Hindu and Buddhist, and also as a regulator of water supply in the era of Majapahit.
In addition to functioning as a regulator of water supply in the city, located outside the city that gave the impression that before entering the city, the water must be purified first temple in the Rat. In this case, if the building of the temple Rat is considered as a manifestation of the mountain westhampton, each water out of the building as a parent is believed to be holy water (Amerta). No wonder, then when the water out of the temple Rat also trusted to have the magical power of the people in order to meet the expectations of agricultural products and they doubled off from the difficulties that harm (Ric)
Perhaps, given the name Tikus Temple because when demolition is done in the year 1914, by the Regent of Mojokerto RAA Kromojoyo Adinegoro, around the temple that had become a breeding mice, rats and pests attacking this village around, chasing after the mouse is always flock into the mound of land, which found after demolished a building material made of red brick floor and four-square with the size of 29.5 mx 28.25 m.
Excerpt from the book-length Drs I.G. L Arnawa good, certainly not known when the temple was established Rat because there are no sources about the history of this temple. In the book written by Nagarakertagama Prapanca in the year 1365 M (which has been recognized by experts as a source of history quite full load of Majapahit kingdom, especially during the king's government Hayam Wuruk), is not mentioned about the existence of this temple.
However, this does not mean that a series of research intended to find and determine whe

Differences in the use of red brick (both differences in quality and quantity), provide indications about the stages of development Rat temple. From the results of that research has been done by the archeologists, proved that the red-brick sized larger than the older age with a red brick-sized smaller. Thus, it can be said that during the period stood up and functioning, the temple Rat had experienced two stages of development. The first phase of development is done using a brick-sized larger as the raw materials, while the second phase of development is done using the red-brick sized smaller.
As with the opinion that dikemukankan by NJ Krom through the book "magical" it is entitled Inleiding tot de Hindoe Javaansche Kunst II (Introduction to Art Hindu Java). By considering the material and style of art from the water channel, the specialist art history of ancient Javanese Dutch assume that there are two stages of development Rat temple.
The first stage, the water channel made of red brick and shows the shape of a rigid. Meanwhile, the second phase of the water channel made of stone and andesit shows the shape of a more dynamic and created the golden period of Majapahit. This means that according to Krom, Rat temple has stood before the Majapahit kingdom reached the peak keemasannya, namely on the government Hayam Wuruk (1350 - 1380).
Meanwhile, when the restoration is done in the year 1984/1985, successfully disingkap southeast side of the temple buildings Rat. Foot building, located at the side, the size difference showed the red brick used as raw materials. This would strengthen the allegations about the two-stage development of the temple. Foot building the first phase of the shape of a red brick large, visible closed by the foot of the second phase of building from composed of red brick sized smaller. When a certain stage of development first and the second is done, clearly not correct.
The existence of the household decreased in the north, giving the impression that the building of this temple Rat made it under the soil surface. Appliances declined to the north, the well is an indication that the building has a direction to the north side. Two pools of four square sized 3.5 x 2 m with a depth of 1.5 m, flank the stairs entrance. Each pond is equipped with three tap water in the form of interest Padma (lotus) and made of stone materials andesit.
In the south terrace terbawah there is a building berdenah square with the size of 7.65 mx 7.65 m. The building is considered as the main building of the temple Rat equipped with 17 water spray fruit in the form of interest and Padma makara. In building the parent, there is a tower surrounded by 8 towers sized fruit is smaller.

Ordering tower that has attracted a Dutch named AJ Bernet Kempers it to the conception of religion. In a book titled Ancient Indonesian Art, which he has rendered in the period reveal the influence of the Hindu religion - Buddhism in India through the study of temples, which said that the temple is a replica of the Rat westhampton mountains.
Is a mountain that is sacred mountains regarded as a center of the universe has a foundation of trust that is kosmogoni there will be a harmony between the world (mikrokosmos) and the universe (makrokosmos). According to the Hindu conception, the universe consists of a continent called Jambudwipa center surrounded by seven seas and seven mainland and all are limited by a high mountain. It may be a temple Rat petirtaan purified by the Hindu and Buddhist, and also as a regulator of water supply in the era of Majapahit.
In addition to functioning as a regulator of water supply in the city, located outside the city that gave the impression that before entering the city, the water must be purified first temple in the Rat. In this case, if the building of the temple Rat is considered as a manifestation of the mountain westhampton, each water out of the building as a parent is believed to be holy water (Amerta). No wonder, then when the water out of the temple Rat also trusted to have the magical power of the people in order to meet the expectations of agricultural products and they doubled off from the difficulties that harm (Ric)
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