This temple complex is located in the village of Muara Guru, District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar regency, Riau, Indonesia, approximately 135 kilometers from the City of Pekanbaru, Riau. The distance between the temple complex is the central village of Muara Takus about 2.5 kilometers, not far from the river bank Kampar Kanan. This temple by Yzerman found in 1893,
when he knock on the forests of Sumatra. He was stupefied when I saw a mound of the wall that flake. In the year 1935, the archeologists are from the Netherlands, Dr. F.M. Schnitger come and examine this temple. At that time, he was astonished to see a group coming to the temple elephant at the full moon night, as would a visit. There are connecting this incident with the mystical aspects. But actually, this is no more than the fact that the position of the temple Muara Guru is in the regional track and games elephant.
This temple complex is surrounded by the wall measuring 74 x 74 meters. While the temple itself measuring 7 x 7 meters. Outside the complex area, there is also a land of wall-sized 1.5 x 1.5 km that beset this complex to the river bank Kampar Kanan. In this complex, there is also the Old Temple, temple and the youngest Mahligai Stupa and Palangka. Temple-building materials temple consists of sandstone, river stone and brick. According to local sources, bricks for the building was constructed in the village Pongkai, a village which is located downstream in the temple complex. Former extractive land for bricks that, until now highly respected by the population. To bring the bricks to the development of temples, made from a twig in hand to hand. Although certainly not the truth, this story provides a description of that temple was done in a gotong royong.
In addition to The Old Temple, temple youngest, and Palangka Mahligai Stupa, in the temple complex is also found a pile estimated as the burning human bones. Outside of this complex, there are buildings (former) made of bricks, which can not yet ascertained the type of building. In general, characteristics this temple shows some similarities with the Temple Kalasan in Yogyakarta, Indnesia.
Candi Muara Guru is the only historic site in Riau shaped temple. Budhis this temple is the historical evidence that Buddhism had developed in this area a few centuries back. Nevertheless, the experts can not yet determine the ancients exactly, when the temple was founded. Some of the eleventh century, have said that the fourth century, the century of the seventh, ninth century, and so forth.

This temple complex is surrounded by the wall measuring 74 x 74 meters. While the temple itself measuring 7 x 7 meters. Outside the complex area, there is also a land of wall-sized 1.5 x 1.5 km that beset this complex to the river bank Kampar Kanan. In this complex, there is also the Old Temple, temple and the youngest Mahligai Stupa and Palangka. Temple-building materials temple consists of sandstone, river stone and brick. According to local sources, bricks for the building was constructed in the village Pongkai, a village which is located downstream in the temple complex. Former extractive land for bricks that, until now highly respected by the population. To bring the bricks to the development of temples, made from a twig in hand to hand. Although certainly not the truth, this story provides a description of that temple was done in a gotong royong.

In addition to The Old Temple, temple youngest, and Palangka Mahligai Stupa, in the temple complex is also found a pile estimated as the burning human bones. Outside of this complex, there are buildings (former) made of bricks, which can not yet ascertained the type of building. In general, characteristics this temple shows some similarities with the Temple Kalasan in Yogyakarta, Indnesia.
Candi Muara Guru is the only historic site in Riau shaped temple. Budhis this temple is the historical evidence that Buddhism had developed in this area a few centuries back. Nevertheless, the experts can not yet determine the ancients exactly, when the temple was founded. Some of the eleventh century, have said that the fourth century, the century of the seventh, ninth century, and so forth.
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