The second Clnst Water on Earth
By : Alimin (Reform)
A visit to natural recreational place somtimes can bring you memorebel experience as you will be able to see natural forests and learn the vilage life. If you plan to explore the tropical forest of East Java, you have the chance to visit the most wonderful bathing place in Est Java, Jolotundo.

Jolotundo is located on the west side of Pananggungan monten. Exactly, it is in Seloliman, Trawas, Mojokerto,East Java Province. Jolotundo is one of the most beoutiful places and is well know because it has clean, cold, and unpoluted water. This place is comfortable and enjoyable to refresh our mind. Being tortuous and ascend, it is not easy to get there but your tiredness will be paid off after arriving there. you can get there by your motor bike and private car. you cannot take public transportations because they are not avaliable there.
At Jolotundo, you will see many trees in cold atmosphere and crackling water which flows from the Jolotundobathing place. visting Jolotundo means visiting a bathing place of the ancient Javanese King, King Airlangga, who ruled over Java and Bali early in the 11 century.
The bathing place in Jolotundo is diveded into two rooms. One place is for women only and another is for men. Some people belive that bathing in the Jolotundo bathing place makes people look younger, and it is able to heal some skin diseases. Water which is from two streams then flows out into one place in the middle that forms a pool.
That pool has many fish. Altaugh there are many fish, some are quite big,you are forbiddend to fish. Furthermore, people who stay there say there say that the water which is from the Jolotundo bathing place is the second cleanest water in the world.
Araund the bathing place are stones site in varios size which had already been coll

The Jolotundo bathing place is the oldest haritage in the Penanggungan of King Airlangga. The Jolotundo bathing place is also called Jolotundo Well. Actually, there are many templs araund the Jolotundo bathing place but they are far enough from it. They are spread in different places. An offiser said that there are around 9 temples. You have to have to be in a good stamina to get all off them bicause they are in the slope of the mountain. You will have an unforgettable experience in your life if you go there. So, make a plan to go there if you want something which is really different in your whole life.
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