Completed in the year 778 M, Tara Temple became the oldest Buddhist temple in Yogyakarta. The temple stand not far from Yogyakarta, Solo Road was built as a tribut

Temple Tara is the basic building-shaped square with each side sized 45 meters high and 34 meters. Building the temple consists of three vertical sections, namely foot of the temple, the temple body and roof of the temple. The foot of the temple is a building that stood at the base rectangle-shaped stones and a stone wide. In part, there is a household ornament makara in the end. Meanwhile, around the foot of the temple decoration, there are creepers that out of a pot.
The body has the look of the temple, which protrudes out in the middle. In the outer surface of the body of the temple there is a niche decorated figure of the god holds a lotus flower with a standing position. Part tenggaranya have a room in which there is a throne decorated with motifs that backed the lion standing on the backs of elephants. The room can be entered from the viewer that there is room in the east side.
Eaves octagon-shaped temple and consists of two levels. A statue of Buddha there is a human figure on the first level while the second level, there are statues of Buddha depict Yani. The peak form of the temple square, which symbolizes The Semeru garnish with the stupa-stupa. On the border with the body of the temple there is a temple roof ornaments interest creatures coming Gana called a dwarf.
If you find details of the temple, you will also find relief in the beautiful surface. For example, the relief tree gods and clouds with the coming of the play sounds. The coming of the lead fiddle, shellfish and camara. There is also an illustration bud flowers, leaves and creepers. Relief at the Temple of Tara has a peculiarity because coated with cement ancient called Brajalepha, made from the sap of certain trees.

Around the temple there is a stupa-high stupa with approximately 4.6 m 52 bears fruit. Although the stupa-stupa is no longer intact because it is not part of it may be combined in full, you can still enjoy it. Visiting the temple based on the known history of the founding of the temple inscription Panagari against, you will recognize the severity of Rakai Panangkaran even had time to build a sacred building in Thailand.
This temple is also a proof that in the past there have been efforts to merukunkan embraces religion with one another. Proven, Panangkaran a religious Hindu temple to build the suggestion of the Tara Buddhist frock and offered for the Pancapana also Buddhist religion. This temple also become one of the holy building responses Atisha, a Budhis Indian origin who had visited the Borobudur and spread Buddhism to
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