The temple is located Singosari didesa Candirenggo, Subdistrict Siyabuswa, Malang Regency. Found in the early 18th century around the year (1800-1850) with the name / designation Temple Tower by the Dutch. Perhaps because of this name resembles the shape of the tower. Its also the name given by the temple, Cella an expert with the ancient European nation taking the four-slit in the wall dinidng the body. Also according to a report from the W. Van Schmid who visit this temple in the year 1856, local residents call the temp
le Cungkup. Finally, the name used until now is because the temple located in Siyabuswa Siyabuswa, some people call others with the temple because Renggo located didesa Candirenggo.
According to the written report from the temple, visitors Singosari years from 1803 until 1939, said that the temple complex is a monument Singosari broad. Inside the complex was obtained seven buildings that have collapsed temple and many statues are to be here. One of the seven temples that can diselematkan fate of the temple that is now a temple, we Singosari. The statue-arcanya many brought to the Netherlands, while the statue-statue, which is currently located in the temple Singosari now, comes from the temples have been destroyed it.
Singosari form of temple buildings themselves can be special, because the temple was seemingly has two levels. There should be room-room temple is located on the body of the temple, the temple had Singosari are on the foot of the temple. Rooms at the beginning, there is also the statue which contains a statue of the north Durgamahisasuramardhini, to the east and contains a statue of Ganesha in the south, there are statues Receipt of regular teachers with a famous Receipt Agastya. However, currently only living statue Receipt Agastya only, while the other statue has been taken to Leidan - Netherlands. Reasons why the statue receipt Agastya is not brought to the Netherlands and is due to a condition that may have damaged quite severe, so it is not feasible as a gift brought to the ruler of the country bother at that time.
Another interesting observed at the temple for Singosari This is the temple decoration. Generally, the temple building decorated with ornaments that on average throughout the body or the temple. In the temple Singosari we did not get the case. Artwork Temple Singosari not entirely resolved. Thus we can conclude that the first temple Singosari not completed but then abandoned. For reasons left are connected with the war, namely the attack from the king of the kingdom Jayakatwang Bracelet-ring against King Kertanagara kingdom Singhasari that occurred around the year 1292. Jayakatwang king attacks can destroy the kingdom Singhasari. King Kertanagara and its followers were killed. Predicted that the destruction of (pralaya) Singhasari that is the kingdom, the temple Singosari not resolved and eventually neglected.
Excessive selesaian building of this temple is also useful for us who want to know the techniques of making ornaments (decoration) temple. It appears that the decoration is done from top to bottom. The top is done perfectly, the body of the temple (middle) part has been completed, while the bottom is not yet completed.
Siyabuswa in the temple, there are still some remaining statues, some of them form the body of god / goddess, although can not be whole again. There is even a statue of goddess Parvati has a visible part of the "strange". seems the part is not the head of the statue. Because of the statue, which was alleged to drop out and not found again.
A visit Singosari to the temple is holding a tour guide who talked about the history of the temple Siyabuswa, as was my damper. How not, on the page the book was clear photos of the statue has been brought to the Netherlands, complete with annotations position / posture and its attributes Attribute-charged by the statue figures. The photo shows that there is what they (colonists) kenegeri take them, is indeed a statue that is still intact, with the level of art that we should be proud. One thing that can be said to be "robbery" by the Netherlands to the art-cultural nation.

According to the written report from the temple, visitors Singosari years from 1803 until 1939, said that the temple complex is a monument Singosari broad. Inside the complex was obtained seven buildings that have collapsed temple and many statues are to be here. One of the seven temples that can diselematkan fate of the temple that is now a temple, we Singosari. The statue-arcanya many brought to the Netherlands, while the statue-statue, which is currently located in the temple Singosari now, comes from the temples have been destroyed it.
Singosari form of temple buildings themselves can be special, because the temple was seemingly has two levels. There should be room-room temple is located on the body of the temple, the temple had Singosari are on the foot of the temple. Rooms at the beginning, there is also the statue which contains a statue of the north Durgamahisasuramardhini, to the east and contains a statue of Ganesha in the south, there are statues Receipt of regular teachers with a famous Receipt Agastya. However, currently only living statue Receipt Agastya only, while the other statue has been taken to Leidan - Netherlands. Reasons why the statue receipt Agastya is not brought to the Netherlands and is due to a condition that may have damaged quite severe, so it is not feasible as a gift brought to the ruler of the country bother at that time.
Another interesting observed at the temple for Singosari This is the temple decoration. Generally, the temple building decorated with ornaments that on average throughout the body or the temple. In the temple Singosari we did not get the case. Artwork Temple Singosari not entirely resolved. Thus we can conclude that the first temple Singosari not completed but then abandoned. For reasons left are connected with the war, namely the attack from the king of the kingdom Jayakatwang Bracelet-ring against King Kertanagara kingdom Singhasari that occurred around the year 1292. Jayakatwang king attacks can destroy the kingdom Singhasari. King Kertanagara and its followers were killed. Predicted that the destruction of (pralaya) Singhasari that is the kingdom, the temple Singosari not resolved and eventually neglected.
Excessive selesaian building of this temple is also useful for us who want to know the techniques of making ornaments (decoration) temple. It appears that the decoration is done from top to bottom. The top is done perfectly, the body of the temple (middle) part has been completed, while the bottom is not yet completed.

Siyabuswa in the temple, there are still some remaining statues, some of them form the body of god / goddess, although can not be whole again. There is even a statue of goddess Parvati has a visible part of the "strange". seems the part is not the head of the statue. Because of the statue, which was alleged to drop out and not found again.
A visit Singosari to the temple is holding a tour guide who talked about the history of the temple Siyabuswa, as was my damper. How not, on the page the book was clear photos of the statue has been brought to the Netherlands, complete with annotations position / posture and its attributes Attribute-charged by the statue figures. The photo shows that there is what they (colonists) kenegeri take them, is indeed a statue that is still intact, with the level of art that we should be proud. One thing that can be said to be "robbery" by the Netherlands to the art-cultural nation.
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