From the list of books yan visitors see that there is no temple lefty friends sepopuler Temple Siyabuswa, Jago or velocity. This is because the temple is located lefty dipedesaan far, not many reviewed by experts of history and rarely written books on tourism guide. Location of the temple itself is located alongside a road main village, but rather because the project is located in the so difficult to see before actually right in front of the entrance gate of the temple area.
Southpaw temple made of stone andesit and berdimensi geometric vertical. The temple visibly foot perch above the entrance stairs small seems not enter the stairs indeed. Body size is smaller than the temple feet wide and the roof of the temple, so it emphasizes the effect of the slim. Roof of the temple consists of three parts with the top of the surface has a large bald roof, such as gem or stupa. Each layer disisakan space and given the rather extensive ornamentation. He seems every corner of the temple first layer of the roof where a small diamond.
Headdress with the hideous starkly mare's eyes bug out in full. His mouth open and visible taringnya two large and curved to give the impression dominant. The existence of these two canine is also a characteristic pattern of Java Timuran temple. Disudut left and right, there are fingers mudra with the (attitude) to threaten. So Perfected duty as a guard building the holy temple.
Seen from age, temple, the temple is a lefty oldest relics from temples in East Java. This is because the period of Airlangga (11-12 F) and (Kediri (12-13 F) does not leave a temple, the temple except Jolotundo Hemisphere, and that is not the temple but pertirtaan. Drip decline from the description above, the pattern still has a Java TENGAHAN and contains elements of Java Timuran, the temple was built in the southpaw the transition period from the second period. Even temple called lefty as a prototype temple period, an East Java.
Southpaw very own name may be derived from the multiplicity of ornamental temple graveyard Anusapati that is not common, which generally decorative, especially multiform relief in the temple are paradaksina (sanscrit = clockwise, from right to left), but the Temple thus a lefty prasawya (sanscrit = Counterclockwise, from left to right). Southpaw in their own langua
ge Java Obsolete means "left".
Temple southpaw is the only temple of Java meiliki narrative stories involving Garuda. There are three reliefs of Garuda in this temple, the first with Garuda carrying three large snakes, both depict a relief pitcher with a garuda above his head and relief third Garuda supporting a woman over. Among the three relief, the relief is both the most beautiful and intact.
A question, why dipahatkan relief garuda (garudeya) in the temple lefty? What hbungannya with Anusapati? Likely died before, Anusapati to leave their families to dicandi later established that they made for the relief Garudeya. He wanted so deliberately aimed meruwat because his mother, Kendedes, which is dicintainya, who always suffer during her life and has not fully become a major women.
Legend ....................
In ancient Javanese literature, there is a story that is popular among the people Garudeya, namely, the garuda travels in the discharge of his mother from slavery to redemption Amerta holy water.
Kadru message that is Winata and two wives Receipt Kesiapa. Kadru three foster children have a snake tail and foster children have Winata garuda. Kadru the shiftless feel bored and tired take three children angkatnya naughty-naughty as they often disappear among the bushes. Timbullah intention jahatnya Kadru to submit to this task to Winata. Diajaklah Winata bet on the color white ponytail Uccaihswara that often pass through their house, with the losers must note that the winner of obey all. Kadru the color is black, while Winata the color is white.
The snake know that the mother of one of them. They tell Kadru, his mother. Kadru and then make a plan so that her children, the snakes change color with a ponytail Uccaihswara be. Business mother bear is successful, and less Winata be slaves by Kadru. Since that time Winata ordered to serve all the needs and nurture Kadru snake every third day. Winata then ask for help in Garudeya, utnuk help their children (the relief first).
When Garudeya grow large, he asked his mother why he must keep the third brother angkatnya. After untold betting on horse Uccaihswara, then Garudeya understand. Ditanyakanlah to third snake that is how the mother can be freed from this slavery. Answered by a snake "I bawakanlah Amerta holy water stored in Kahyangan and kept the deity a
nd the milk comes from the ocean." Garudeya undertakes immediately and ask his mother for permission to leave Kahyangan.
Of course, the deity does not agree that the desire Garudeya fights. However, the deity can be defeated. Viewing this Batara Vishnu hands down and Garudeya can be defeated. After hearing stories about his desire to get Garudeya Amerta, the Batara Vishnu memeperbolehkan with the requirements Garudeya would be so tunggangannya vehicle. Garudeya agree, so the water can bring Amerta back down to earth (second relief).
Since that time Garudeya also become tunggangan Batara Vishnu. And with holy water supplies Amerta this Garudeya can eventually relieve his mother from slavery on Kadru. This is described in the third relief where Garudeya with burly carrying his mother and free from slavery.
Southpaw temple made of stone andesit and berdimensi geometric vertical. The temple visibly foot perch above the entrance stairs small seems not enter the stairs indeed. Body size is smaller than the temple feet wide and the roof of the temple, so it emphasizes the effect of the slim. Roof of the temple consists of three parts with the top of the surface has a large bald roof, such as gem or stupa. Each layer disisakan space and given the rather extensive ornamentation. He seems every corner of the temple first layer of the roof where a small diamond.
Headdress with the hideous starkly mare's eyes bug out in full. His mouth open and visible taringnya two large and curved to give the impression dominant. The existence of these two canine is also a characteristic pattern of Java Timuran temple. Disudut left and right, there are fingers mudra with the (attitude) to threaten. So Perfected duty as a guard building the holy temple.
Seen from age, temple, the temple is a lefty oldest relics from temples in East Java. This is because the period of Airlangga (11-12 F) and (Kediri (12-13 F) does not leave a temple, the temple except Jolotundo Hemisphere, and that is not the temple but pertirtaan. Drip decline from the description above, the pattern still has a Java TENGAHAN and contains elements of Java Timuran, the temple was built in the southpaw the transition period from the second period. Even temple called lefty as a prototype temple period, an East Java.
Southpaw very own name may be derived from the multiplicity of ornamental temple graveyard Anusapati that is not common, which generally decorative, especially multiform relief in the temple are paradaksina (sanscrit = clockwise, from right to left), but the Temple thus a lefty prasawya (sanscrit = Counterclockwise, from left to right). Southpaw in their own langua

Temple southpaw is the only temple of Java meiliki narrative stories involving Garuda. There are three reliefs of Garuda in this temple, the first with Garuda carrying three large snakes, both depict a relief pitcher with a garuda above his head and relief third Garuda supporting a woman over. Among the three relief, the relief is both the most beautiful and intact.
A question, why dipahatkan relief garuda (garudeya) in the temple lefty? What hbungannya with Anusapati? Likely died before, Anusapati to leave their families to dicandi later established that they made for the relief Garudeya. He wanted so deliberately aimed meruwat because his mother, Kendedes, which is dicintainya, who always suffer during her life and has not fully become a major women.
Legend ....................
In ancient Javanese literature, there is a story that is popular among the people Garudeya, namely, the garuda travels in the discharge of his mother from slavery to redemption Amerta holy water.
Kadru message that is Winata and two wives Receipt Kesiapa. Kadru three foster children have a snake tail and foster children have Winata garuda. Kadru the shiftless feel bored and tired take three children angkatnya naughty-naughty as they often disappear among the bushes. Timbullah intention jahatnya Kadru to submit to this task to Winata. Diajaklah Winata bet on the color white ponytail Uccaihswara that often pass through their house, with the losers must note that the winner of obey all. Kadru the color is black, while Winata the color is white.
The snake know that the mother of one of them. They tell Kadru, his mother. Kadru and then make a plan so that her children, the snakes change color with a ponytail Uccaihswara be. Business mother bear is successful, and less Winata be slaves by Kadru. Since that time Winata ordered to serve all the needs and nurture Kadru snake every third day. Winata then ask for help in Garudeya, utnuk help their children (the relief first).
When Garudeya grow large, he asked his mother why he must keep the third brother angkatnya. After untold betting on horse Uccaihswara, then Garudeya understand. Ditanyakanlah to third snake that is how the mother can be freed from this slavery. Answered by a snake "I bawakanlah Amerta holy water stored in Kahyangan and kept the deity a

Of course, the deity does not agree that the desire Garudeya fights. However, the deity can be defeated. Viewing this Batara Vishnu hands down and Garudeya can be defeated. After hearing stories about his desire to get Garudeya Amerta, the Batara Vishnu memeperbolehkan with the requirements Garudeya would be so tunggangannya vehicle. Garudeya agree, so the water can bring Amerta back down to earth (second relief).
Since that time Garudeya also become tunggangan Batara Vishnu. And with holy water supplies Amerta this Garudeya can eventually relieve his mother from slavery on Kadru. This is described in the third relief where Garudeya with burly carrying his mother and free from slavery.
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